In the southern tip of our land
There lives a community called Nairs
In the past they were warriors
And there were none to match them in courage
But they were caught in deep slumber
And lost all vitality and sap
Then came in the horizon- a light to lead them
It was none other than the Padmanabha
Most popularly known as Mannom
He came to this world with no silver spoon
Unlike pundit Malviya, he hadn’t the backing of kings
And yet he made an empire
From handful of rice offered to him
The world witnessed the unexpected
Overthrow of an elected communist government
By upsurge of those who elected them
It was made possible
By the dynamic leadership of Mannom
He was a lovable person –
And all loved him, whether he was a Christian, a Hindu or Muslim
His prime in life was to unite all Hindus
And rejuvenate the caste-ridden society
He succeeded to some extent on this
But now his followers fall apart, for the sake of crumbs
It will be a fitting tribute to the Acharya
If we stop quarreling among ourselves.
A Tribute
a tribute